
Unofficial morrowind patch 2016
Unofficial morrowind patch 2016

Discard quorn's change for imperial helmet armor_Dae_curse - use Greatness' fix.All others either had "Potion" tacked on to the end of the name or had "Potion of" removed and "Potion" tacked on to the end. Only exceptions that needed more explanation are listed. Potion of Water Walking => Standard Water Walking Potion, per record ID.Potion of Water Breathing => Standard Water Breathing Potion, per record ID.Potion of Telekinesis => Standard Telekinesis Potion, per record ID.Potion of Slowfalling => Standard Slowfall Potion, per record ID.All reflection potions renamed in same fashion. Bargain Potion of Reflection => Bargain Reflection Potion.Potion of Recall => Standard Recall Potion, per record ID.Potion of Marking => Standard Mark Potion, per record ID.Bargain Rising Force Potion => Bargain Levitation Potion, per record ID.Potion of Heroism => Standard Heroism Potion, per record ID.All potions of Frost Resistance renamed to follow name for Standard Resist Frost Potion (original name). Bargain Frost Resistance => Bargain Resist Frost Potion.Minor spelling correction for consistency. Spoiled SlowFall Potion => Spoiled Slowfall Potion.They are called Cure Common Disease, so spoiled potions renamed to follow convention. Spoiled Cure Disease Potion => Spoiled Cure Common Disease Ptn.Potion of Dispel => Standard Dispel Potion, per record ID.Potion of Detect Key => Standard Detect Key Potion, per record ID.Potion of Detect Enchantments => Standard Detect Enchantment Ptn, per record ID."Potion" abbreviated to fit within limit. Potion of Detect Creatures => Standard Detect Creatures Ptn, per record ID.Potion of Cure Poison => Standard Cure Poison Potion, per record ID.Paralysis is grammatically correct and fits within the 32 character limit. Potion of Cure Paralyzation => Standard Cure Paralysis Potion.Potion of Cure Common Disease => Standard Cure Common Disease.Potion of Cure Blight Disease => Cure Blight Disease Potion.Potion of Fool's Luck => Fool's Luck Potion.Unique potions were not renamed, except as noted below.For example: Bargain Disease Resistance not changed because Exclusive Disease Resistance is too long for "Ptn" to be added to name. Potions with same effect are named consistently within group, so "Potion" or "Ptn" will be dropped for entire group if one potion's name would be too long with "Ptn" appended.For example: Bargain Potion of Burden => Bargain Burden Potion, Standard Fire Resistance => Standard Fire Resistance Potion. "Potion" will be added to name in the instances that potion already uses convention, but doesn't include "Potion" on the end. "Potion" may be abbreviated to "Ptn" or dropped completely if 32 character limit reached. All potion names changed to conform to convention.quorn activators done - agreed with Skrawafunda's review.kept active_sign_c_guildf_01, active_sign_c_guildm_01, active_sign_c_guildm_caldera changes.

Unofficial morrowind patch 2016